The two-parametric solution of the biquadratic Diophantine equation

diophantine equationsmath-historynumber theory

On the following biquadratic Diophantine equation, Leonard Eugene Dickson mentioned a parameter equation in his works (HOTTON Vol-II), but did not give it in detail


A. Gérardin noted that, to find two right triangles having the same sum of squares of the hypotenuse and one leg, we have to solve


and gave a solution in which x,y,α,β are functions of the seventh degree of two parameters.

[HOTTON Vol-II] "History Of The Theory Of Numbers Vol-II" by Leonard Eugene Dickson

Chapter 4, p188

What is the two-parametric solution of the biquadratic Diophantine equation obtained by André Gérardin?


Thanks for Piezas' results

a=3 t^7+7 t^6+3 t^5+19 t^4-15 t^3+37 t^2+9 t+1\\
b=t^7-9 t^6+37 t^5+15 t^4+19 t^3-3 t^2+7 t-3\\
c=-3 t^7+7 t^6-3 t^5+19 t^4+15 t^3+37 t^2-9 t+1\\
d=t^7+9 t^6+37 t^5-15 t^4+19 t^3+3 t^2+7 t+3

Although it can be transformed into a two parameter solution by $t=u/v$, I'm not sure that Gérardin got this result.

[157]» Sphinx-Oedipe, 5, 1910, 187.

(I found it in Google Books, but I don't seem to be able to access the 187th page)

Best Answer

I am deeply indebted to a French friend for his help. \begin{align*} \begin{cases} x=3 t^7+7 t^6+\,\,\,3 t^5+19 t^4-15 t^3+37 t^2+9 t+1\\ y=\,\,\,t^7-9 t^6+37 t^5+15 t^4+19 t^3-\,\,\,3 t^2+7 t-3\\ \alpha=\,\,\,t^7+9 t^6+37 t^5-15 t^4+19 t^3+\,\,\,3 t^2+7 t+3\\ \beta=3 t^7-7 t^6+\,\,\,3 t^5-19 t^4-15 t^3-37 t^2+9 t-1 \end{cases} \end{align*} enter image description here

(a^2 + b^2)^2 + (2 a*b)^2 - (c^2 + d^2)^2 - (2 c*d)^2 /. {
a -> 3 m^7 + 7 m^6 n + 3 m^5 n^2 + 19 m^4 n^3
   - 15 m^3 n^4 +37 m^2 n^5 + 9 m*n^6 + n^7, 
b -> m^7 - 9 m^6 n + 37 m^5 n^2 + 15 m^4 n^3 
   + 19 m^3 n^4 - 3 m^2 n^5 + 7 m*n^6 - 3 n^7, 
c -> m^7 + 9 m^6 n + 37 m^5 n^2 - 15 m^4 n^3 
   + 19 m^3 n^4 + 3 m^2 n^5 + 7 m*n^6 + 3 n^7, 
d -> 3 m^7 - 7 m^6 n + 3 m^5 n^2 - 19 m^4 n^3 
   - 15 m^3 n^4 - 37 m^2 n^5 + 9 m*n^6 - n^7} // FullSimplify
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