The transpose of a row vector in relation to dual spaces

dual-spaceslinear algebratranspose

I read that the transpose defined for linear transformations has the following definition: enter image description here

I tried to apply this dual space definition of the transpose to a transformation induced by a row vector. For example say a row vector in $\widetilde{R^3}$ induces $S$ such that $S:R^3\to R$. The transpose of this transformation would be $S^T:R\to \widetilde{R^3}$. However, since the transpose of $S^T$ should be induced by a column vector (the transposed row vector), I was confused because I thought that a column vector should transform a vector from $\widetilde{R^3}$ to $R$ instead.

This has left me very confused. I am wondering how $S^T$ can be induced by a column vector and yet map from $R$ to $\widetilde{R^3}$. Or is this not making sense due to a difference between the transpose of a matrix and the transpose of a transformation that I am missing?

Best Answer

Yes, it maps $\Bbb{R} \to \Bbb{R}^3$. If $v$ is the column vector, then for $\lambda \in \Bbb{R}$, the map is given by

$$ S^T(\lambda) = \lambda \, v $$

The map is just scalar multiplication by the column vector.

It is just matrix multiplication, actually. It is the product of the column vector (a $3 \times 1$ matrix) and the scalar (a $1 \times 1$ matrix).

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