The Sphere is not an Affine Space


In Eric Gourgoulhon's "Special Relativity in General Frames", it is claimed that the two dimensional sphere is not an affine space. Where an affine space of dimension n on $\mathbb R$ is defined to be a non-empty set E such that there exists a vector space V of dimension n on $\mathbb R$ and a mapping

$\phi:E \times E \rightarrow V,\space\space\space
(A,B) \mapsto \phi(A,B)=:\vec {AB}$

that obeys the following properties:

(i) For any point O $\in E$, the function

$\phi_O: E \rightarrow V,\space\space\space
M \mapsto \vec {OM}$

is bijective.

(ii) For any triplet (A,B,C) of elements of E, the following relation holds:

$\vec {AB} + \vec {BC} = \vec {AC}.$

I would like to show that the sphere is not an affine space using this definition. My approach has been to assume that such a $\phi$ exists and then seek a contradiction. I can construct specific $\phi_O$'s that are bijective and I can show that a contradiction arises if I use the same construction centered at a new point A, wtih $\phi_A$, but this only invalidates the specific construction I made. I am having trouble generalizing this to any $\phi$.

Best Answer

The thing is, you might want to get some topology in the picture. In fact, if you do not, you can choose any bijection between the sphere and a $\mathbb R$-vector space, and you end up with a structure of vector space on your "sphere" (by transporting the structure). My point is, there exist such $\varphi$, but what you really want is not for $ \varphi_O$ to be only bijective : if your space already has a shape, you want it to be a homeomorphism.

And there is no homeomorphism between the sphere and a $\mathbb R$-vector space (for example because a vector space is contractible - you can shrink it continuously into a point - whereas the sphere is not ; you can look that up in any basic course of algebraic topology)

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