The solution to this vector differential equation

linear algebramatricesmatrix-calculusordinary differential equations

What is the solution to the matrix differential equation:
$$ \frac{dx}{dt} = \boldsymbol{A}x(t) + \boldsymbol{B}u$$

Where, $ x(0) = x_0 $, $A_{n \times n}$ is a square matrix and $B_{n\times1}$ is $n\times1$ matrix

Assuming u is constant for the time interval $[0, T]$

Also please refer me to a resource where I can learn to solve this types of equations, because solving the equations were not covered in my linear algebra course.

Best Answer

Define the change of variables $z(t):=\exp(-At)x(t)$. We then obtain


and thus


which yields


where we have used the fact that $\exp(-At)A=A\exp(-At)$. Integrating from 0 to $t$, we obtain


Since $z(0)=x_0$ and $x(t)=\exp(At)z(t)$, we obtain


This is the general solution to your equation. Any textbook on (linear) dynamical systems or on state-space methods for control theory will address this.

When the input is constant and the matrix $A$ is invertible, we can arrive to the following expression by simply evaluating the integral


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