The Similarity Matrix of graph Laplacian Matrix has different names. What’s the difference between these names

graph theorygraph-laplacianlaplacianmanifoldsmatrices

The graph Laplacian is defined:


Where $W$ is the Similarity Matrix of the graph and $D$ is a diagonal matrix whose entries are column sums of $W$ (or row sums, by symmetry of $W$).

$W$ has multiple names:

  • the similarity matrix
  • the weight matrix
  • the affinity matrix
  • the adjacency matrix etc.

Are these names equivalent? Or are there subtle differences in their use?


Best Answer

They're all the same. Different communities use different names. In graph theory, it's always called "adjacency matrix" in unweighted graphs, and sometimes the "weight matrix" if the graphs are weighted. "Affinity" and "similarity" are sometimes used in data science when the weights are computed using some similarity score between the points in a point cloud data set.