The side length of smallest square which can embed a regular polygon with 2*n sides, where n is odd and n≥3.


I am trying to solve problem. I have proved that the minimum side length should be greater than or equal to radius of the circum circle of given regular polygon(by contradiction).
But I am not able to find what is the tight lower bound for it. I am curious to know if some formula can be formed for this problem or is it neccessary to use programming constructs like loops.
Please share your approaches for this.

Best Answer

Let $N = 2n$ where $n \ge 3$ is odd.

Let's say we have a regular $N$-gon with circumradius $R = 1$ which fit inside a square of side $s$. Choose a coordinate system where the circumcenter is origin and the sides of square are parallel to the coordinate axes. Reflect everything upside down if needed, one can find a $\theta \in [ 0, \frac{\pi}{N} ]$ so that one of the vertex of the $N$-gon is located at $(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$.

In terms of $\theta$, the vertices of the $N$-gon will be located at $(\cos\theta_k,\sin\theta_k)$ where $\theta_k = \theta + \frac{2\pi k}{N}$ for $k = 0,\ldots, N - 1$. In order for the $N$-gon to fit inside a square of side $s$. The shadow when we project the $N$-gon to $x$- and $y$- axes will have width $\le s$.

It is clear the width of the shadow on $x$-axis is $2\cos\theta$.

The shadow on $y$-axis is $[-\sin\theta_k,\sin\theta_k]$ for $k = \lfloor \frac{N}{4}\rfloor = \frac{n-1}{2}$. This leads to

$$s \ge 2 \max\left( \cos\theta, \sin\left(\theta + \frac{\pi(n-1)}{2n}\right)\right) = 2\max\left(\cos\theta, \cos\left(\frac{\pi}{2n}-\theta\right)\right)$$ The minimum on RHS is achieved when $\theta = \frac{\pi}{2n} - \theta \iff \theta = \frac{\pi}{4n}$. This leads to $$s \ge 2\cos\frac{\pi}{4n}$$

At $\theta =\frac{\pi}{4n}$, it is easy to see how to fit the $N$-gon into an axes-aligned square of side $2\cos\frac{\pi}{4n}$. From this, we can deduce:

The smallest square which contains a regular $N$-gon with circumradius $R$ has side $2R\cos\frac{\pi}{4n}$.

As an example, for $n = 3$, we can fit a hexagon with unit circumradius into a square of $2\cos\frac{\pi}{12} \approx 1.931851652578137$

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