The right derived functor of $\lim_\leftarrow$


Suppose we are talking about $\lim_\leftarrow$ on category of abelian groups. By definition, the right derived functor of $\lim_\leftarrow$ would be $R_1\lim_\leftarrow \{G_n\}=\text{Ker } \lim_\leftarrow d_1/\text{Im} \lim_\leftarrow d_{2}$ for every $\{G_n\}\in \mathbf{Fun}(\mathbb N,\text{Ab})$, where $$0\rightarrow \{G_n\}\stackrel{d_0}{\longrightarrow}\mathbf{G_1}\stackrel{d_1}{\longrightarrow}\mathbf{G_2}\stackrel{d_2}{\longrightarrow}…$$ is the, well, I don't know what it is called (maybe injective resolution?). It is an exact sequence and each $\mathbf G_n$ satisfies that for any $\mathbb Z$-module $A,B$ and injection $f:A\to B$ and $\sigma\in \text{Hom}(A,\mathbf G_n)$, there is a $\tau\in \text{Hom}(B,\mathbf{G_n})$ making $\tau\circ f=\sigma$.

Howevery, to make this definition meaningful, $\{G_n\}\in \mathbf{Fun}(\mathbb N,\text{Ab})$ needs to be a $\mathbb Z$-module. But how can it be a $\mathbb Z$-module? Am I misunderstanding something? (About the definition of $\lim^1$)

Best Answer

In this case there is a standard 2-step resolution which may not be injective, precisely, but which suffices to compute the derived functor. You can read about it on the nlab, for example.

Note that we're talking about resolutions and injectivity in the category of inverse systems of abelian groups. So the resolution is really a chain complex of inverse systems -- maybe a bit more data than you were expecting.

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