The relationship between surreal star and the empty set


In Surreal Numbers and Games on page 6 it says that $0=\{\emptyset|\emptyset\}$.

Additionally, on page 10 it says that $*+*=0$ and that for any value $x$ we have $x+*=\{x|x\}$.

Given the previous, it seems logical that both $*+*=\{*|*\}=0$ and $\emptyset+*=\{\emptyset|\emptyset\}=0$ are true.

This looks to me like $*$ and $\emptyset$ could be equivalent because given $x+*=0$, $*$ and $\emptyset$ both seem like valid solutions for $x$.

However I have not read anywhere that $*$ and $\emptyset$ are equivalent, so I am not sure if they are or if they are not.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Overall, that PDF skips over some key clarifications about notation that may have led to some confusion. I would not recommend learning from it without external support like lectures or another more detailed text.

for any value $x$ we have $x+∗=\{x\mid x\}$.

The context in the PDF is that this holds when $x$ is a number. If $x$ is some other game (like $\{0\mid*\}$), this equation can fail.

Given the previous, it seems logical that both $∗+∗=\{∗\mid∗\}=0$ and $\emptyset+∗=\{\emptyset\mid\emptyset\}=0$ are true.

$∗+∗=\{∗\mid∗\}=0$ is true. But we need to take more care when evaluating something like $\emptyset+∗$. Since every game is an ordered pair of games, $\emptyset$ is not a game. However, there is a convention, used-but-not-explained in the addition section of that PDF for expressions that look like adding a set to a game. If $S$ is a set of games and $g$ is a game, $S+g$ is a shorthand for "the set of all games of the form $s+g$, for some $s$ in $S$". So $\emptyset+∗$ is a set, not a game like $0$. In particular, it's the set $\emptyset$.

This looks to me like $∗$ and $\emptyset$ could be equivalent because given $x+∗=0$, $∗$ and $\emptyset$ both seem like valid solutions for $x$.

As discussed above, $\emptyset+*$ is not $0$ -- it's not even a game. But you are right that "$g+*=0$ and $h+*=0$" would imply "$g=h$". In fact, you could add $*$ to both sides of $g+*=0$ to find $g+*+*=*$ so that $g+0=*$ and $g=*$. This idea works in general; negatives of games are unique (up to equality).

However I have not read anywhere that ∗ and ∅ are equivalent, so I am not sure if they are or if they are not.

Just to emphasize one more time: $*$ is a game and $\emptyset$ is a set. They're different sorts of things.