The ratio of flipped over normal tiles for the hat polykite tiling


In the following video by Pembesita, he mentions at 17:54 that for a certain tiling consisting of 78 hat polykites, there are 66 normal tiles and 12 flipped tiles. Below one can see a screenshot:

                             enter image description here

Let $r(n)$ denote the ratio of the amount of flipped hats over the amount of normal hats with $n$ hats in total. In the above example, we have $$r(78) = \frac{12}{66} \approx 0.182 $$

Moreover, define $$R = \lim_{n \to \infty} r(n). $$


  1. Does the value of $R$ depend on the way $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ is tiled with the hat polykites, or is it always the same?
  2. In case it's always the same, what is the exact value of $R$ ? And in case it can differ per tiling, what are the different possible values?

Best Answer

The ratio is $7+3\sqrt5:2$. This blog entry at credits Adam Goucher for noticing that this is $\phi^4:1$ where $\phi=(\sqrt5+1)/2$. Goucher gives the figure in this blog entry though without proof.

Smith proves that the ratio is as stated above by means of substitution rules which, if applied to a hat-tiling, produce another. The rule replaces a hat the usual way up with an $H_8$, a patch consisting of 8 hats, 7 the usual way up and 1 flipped. It replaces a flipped hat with an anti-hat; that is, it replaces a usual-way-up hat and a flipped hat with an $H_7$, a patch consisting of 7 hats, 6 the usual way up and 1 flipped.

It can thus be seen that, with $\{a_i\}$ being the sequence

0, 1, 7, 48, 329, 2255, 15456, 105937, 726103, 4976784, 34111385, 233802911 (OEIS A004187)

if you have $a_{i-1}$ flipped and $a_i$ usual-way up hats, and apply the rule, you will get $a_i$ flipped and $a_{i+1}$ usual-way up hats. The sequence is obtained by the recurrence $a_0=0, a_1=1$, $a_i=7a_{i-1}-a_{i-2}$. We also have $a_i=F(4i)/3$ where $F$ denotes Fibonacci number. Hence how come the ratio is $\phi^4:1$ (the limiting ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers is $\phi:1$).

[Smith] David Smith, Joseph Samuel Myers, Craig Kaplan, and Chaim Goodman-Strauss. An aperiodic monotile.