The proper term for the “n” and “r” in the combination/permutation (nCr, nPr) functions


Just like when we add, the parameters are called "addends", and how division has a "dividend", "divisor", "quotient", and "remainder", what is the conventional name for the n and r in combinatorics functions nCr and nPr?

Not looking for a definition (eg, the number of items chosen as a subset from all the choices). Looking for the precise term.

Intuitively I might call the r a "selector", but I have no idea if that's the right term.

Best Answer

In section 5.1 Basic Identities in Concrete Mathematics by R.L. Graham, D.E. Knuth and O. Patashnik the authors introduce binomial coefficients and designate $n$ and $r$
\begin{align*} \binom{n}{r}={}_{n}C_{r} \end{align*} upper index and lower index.