The problem of dividing 3kg flour to three 1kg parts using a balance


Suppose you have 3kg flour, and you are asked to divide it to three 1kg parts using a balance scale.

It seems to me that it's impossible to do with a finite number of weighing, but I can't see how to prove it. Is this a known problem? Any hint is appreciated.

Please comment if the question is vague or needs further clarification.

Edit: I'd appreciate it if you formulate this problem with reasonable assumptions into a pure math problem.

Best Answer

There are two possibilities for this answer which depend on two different sets of assumptions. The first is that this is strictly a theoretical math problem, similar but not identical to the trisection of an angle problem, whereby dividing a quantity of flour into two halves any number of times cannot result in three equal quantities. This also assumes that the flour is an infinitely divisible substance and not a finite number of discreet grains. A series of divisions $\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{8}......, \frac{1}{2^n}$ can never partially sum to $\frac{1}{3}$ for any finite number of divisions, as shown in the previous answer by TonyK.

The second assumes a more practical approach which considers the trial and error aspect of balancing two quantities of flour. It also allows for an imprecise division into two parts whereby individual grains of flour are not themselves divisible. Divide the flour roughly into $3$ equal piles A,B and C. Put A and B on the scale and adjust until they balance. Put A and C on the scale and adjust a lighter C with equal parts of A and B or equal division of excess C to A and B (both determined by removing quantities A and C and determining the equal adjustments with the balance) . Repeat until A and C balance. Then all $3$ will be equal within the accuracy of the balance beam. I certainly don't see this as impossible.