The probability that there are two knights that can attack each other on a 3*3 chessboard…


What is the probability that there are two knights that can attack each other on a 3*3 chess board if each square contains a knight with 1/2 probability?

Best Answer

"Knightwise" we have a circular graph with $8$ vertices, and on some of these vertices there is a knight. We have to compute the probability $p$ that two adjacent vertices are taken. There are $2^8=256$ equiprobable configurations, and we have to count the configurations containing at least one pair of taken adjacent vertices. These are the good configurations.

If there are two knights there are $8$ good configurations, if there are three knights there are $8\cdot 4+8=40$ good configurations, and if there are four knights all configurations except the two regular ones are good, making ${8\choose4}-2=68$ good configurations. All ${8\choose5}+\ldots+{8\choose8}=93$ configurations with $\geq5$ knights are good. Since there are $8+40+68+93=209$ good configurations we obtain $$p={209\over256}\ .$$