The probability of meeting in a tournament


$2^n, n\in\mathbf N$ tennis players compete in a tournament. In the first round, they partition into a set of $2^{n-1}$ disjoint pairs. The two players in each pair compete against each other. The $2^{n-1}$ winners form a set of $2^{n-2}$ disjoint pairs and compete in the next round and so on. This competition lasts for $n$ rounds. The partition in each round is uniformly random. The players are strictly ranked and the higher ranked player always beats the lower one. The ranking is equally likely. For two chosen players, what is the probability that they will compete against each other in a pair?

If any player in each pairing is equally likely to win, it is easier.

Best Answer

Imagine all $2^n$ players with names Alice, Bob, Charlie and so on stay in line. Then they are given a blue card with a number from $1$ to $2^n$ which means their skill in game and a red card with a number from $1$ to $2^n$ which means their position in a tournament bracket.

Given a permutation of blue cards $p_b$ and a permutation of red cards $p_r$ we can calculate how the tournament will go. Or in other words, predict all $2^n-1$ pairing that will happen in the tournament.

Imagine this huge table with $N=(2^n!)^2$ rows (each row corresponds to a particular permutation $p_b$ and $p_r$) and $M=2^n-1$ columns (all predicted pairings for a given row). Is pair Alice-Bob is more frequent in this table than Alice-Charlie? Of course, no. Because for every row with particular cards of Bob and Charlie, there is a row with cards of Bob and Charlie swapped. Thus we conclude that every $k={2^n\choose 2}=2^{n-1}(2^n-1)$ pair of names has the same number of entries in the table.

Then what is the number $x$ of rows with a particular pair in it? Since pair cannot happen in the same row twice: $$ x\times k=N\times M, \qquad x=\frac{NM}k $$

What is the probability to pick one of those $x$ rows? $$ p=\frac xN = \frac Mk = \frac{2^n-1}{2^{n-1}(2^n-1)}=2^{-(n-1)}. $$

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