The perimeter of an isosceles triangle $\triangle ABC$


An isosceles triangle $\triangle ABC$ is given with $\angle ACB=30^\circ$ and leg $BC=16$ $cm$. Find the perimeter of $\triangle ABC$.

We have two cases, right? When 1) $AC=BC=16$ and 2) $AB=BC=16$.

For the first case: let $CH$ be the altitude through $C$. Since the triangle is isosceles, $CH$ is also the angle bisector and $\measuredangle ACH=\measuredangle BCH=15^\circ$. How to approach the problem further? I have not studied trigonometry.

Best Answer

The first case.

Let $BK$ be an altitude of $\Delta ABC$.

Thus, $$BK=8,$$ $$CK=\sqrt{BC^2-BK^2}=\sqrt{16^2-8^2}=8\sqrt3$$ and $$AB=\sqrt{AK^2+BK^2}=\sqrt{(16-8\sqrt3)^2+8^2}=$$ $$=\sqrt{8^2(2-\sqrt3)^2+8^2}=8\sqrt{(2-\sqrt3)^2+1}=16\sqrt{2-\sqrt3},$$ which gives the answer: $32+16\sqrt{2-\sqrt3}.$

We can solve the second problem by the similar way.

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