The partial derivatives seem continuous to me, but the function is not differentiable


For example in the following function:
\frac{x^3+y^3}{x^2+y^2},(x,y)\neq 0\\ 0,(x,y)=0\end{cases}$$

The partial derivatives in $(0,0)$
for $x$ and $y$ are $1$
therefore the derivative exists and is continuous at a point
but the function is not differentiable in $(0,0)$.

How is it possible?

Best Answer

No, the partial derivatives are not continuous in $(0,0)$. For $(x,y) \ne (0,0)$, you have: $$f_x(x,y)=\dfrac{x\left(x^3+3y^2x-2y^3\right)}{\left(x^2+y^2\right)^2}$$ $$f_y(x,y)=\dfrac{y\left(y^3+3x^2y-2x^3\right)}{\left(y^2+x^2\right)^2}$$ And, as you correctly noticed, $f_x(0,0)=f_y(0,0)=1$. But: $$\nexists\lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}f_x(x,y)$$ $$\nexists\lim_{(x,y)\to (0,0)}f_y(x,y)$$ For instance, consider $f_x(0,y)$ and $f_x(x,0)$ and similar restrictions for $f_y$.