The number of real roots of an exponential equation with 4 parameters


The equation of interest is:
where $k_0,k_1>0$ and $b>a$ are the parameters. It is possible to determine the number of the real roots of the equation when all the parameters are given specific values. However, I wonder, in general, how we can partition regions in the parameter space such that for each point in the same partition the corresponding equation has the same number of real roots.

I am sorry if the scope of the question is too broad and general and I expect that the answer to such question maybe really long, so I would be appreciated if anyone could just give me a hint or a reference of tools that I might need to grasp the general idea of how those parameters affect the number of real solutions.

Best Answer

If $a=b$, then write $k_1 e^{ax}-k_2e^{bx}$ as $ke^{ax}$.

If $k$ and $a$ are opposite sign, or if either is 0, then $x=ke^{ax}$ has exactly one solution.

Otherwise, $$x=ke^{ax}$$ if and only if $$ax=kae^{ax}.$$

Let $y=ax$. Then this is true of and only if $$y=kae^y,$$ that is, $e^y=my$ where $m=\frac{1}{ka}$. It's easy to characterise when this has 0, 1 or 2 solutions, and that gives you the values of $k$ and $a$ which give rise to 0, 1 or 2 solutions.

If $a\neq b$, then the cases $k_1=0$ or $k_2=0$ have been covered above.

Assume for now that $k_1,k_2>0$, and let $x=y+q$. Then $$x=k_1e^{ax}-k_2e^{bx}$$ if and only if $$y+q=k_1e^{ay}e^{aq}+k_2e^{by}e^{bq}\\=k_1e^{aq}\left(e^{ay}+\frac{k_2}{k_1}e^{(b-a)q}e^{by}\right).$$ Letting $$q=\frac{\ln(k_1/k_2)}{b-a},$$ this becomes $$\frac{y+q}{k_1e^{aq}}=e^{ay}-e^{by}.$$

Then, letting $z=\frac{y}{b-a}$, this becomes $$mz+c=e^{dz}\left(e^z-1\right),$$ where $m$, $c$ and $d$ are expressions in $a$, $b$, $q$, $k_1$ and so on.

Now, it's a matter of characterising the tangent lines to $e^{dz}\left(e^z-1\right)$, and translating those characterisations into regions in $(k_1,k_2,a,b)$ space. This almost-one-parameter problem is much more manageable than the original four-parameter problem.

If $k_1<0$ and $k_2<0$ you can proceed similarly to the above. If $k_1$ and $k_2$ have opposite sign, you can again proceed as above, but you'll need to characterise tangents to $e^{dz}\left(e^z+1\right)$

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