The number of all possible positive integral values of $\alpha$ for which the roots of the quadratic $6x^2 -11x +\alpha$ are rational numbers are


the number of all possible positive integral values of $\alpha$ for which the roots of the quadratic $6x^2 -11x +\alpha$ are rational numbers are?

My attempt:-

The roots are given by $\frac{-11 \pm \sqrt{121-24\alpha}}{12}$,

Beyond this I'm not sure what to do, any suggestions?

Best Answer

Note that the solutions of $6x^2 - 11x + a = 0$ are solutions of $(6x)^2 -11(6x) + 6a = 0$ and replacing $6x$ by $y$ these roots are rational if and only if roots to $y^2 -11y + 6a$ are rational. But this is monic integral polynomial hence rational roots must be integers. Now let's say $m, n$ are the roots then $m + n = 11$ and $mn = 6a$ so all possible values of $a$ can be given as $mn/6$ when $m + n = 11$ and $6$ divides $mn$.

Now assume $6$ divides $mn$ and by symmetry let's assume $3\vert m$ or in other words $m = 3k$ for some integer $k$. Thus $n = (11 - 3k)$ and $mn = 3k(11-3k)$. This would be divisible by $6$ if and only if $k(11-3k)$ is divisible by $2$ which is true for any value of $k$ so all possible values of $a$ are $\dfrac{3k(11-3k)}{6} = \dfrac{k(11-3k)}{2}$ for any integer $k$.