The name of this theorem in euclidean geometry


the theorem is this:

Given the $\triangle ABC$; let $O$ be it's incenter, let $D,E$ and $F$ be the points of contact of it's incircle with sides $BC,AC$ and $AB$ respectively and let point $G$ be the foot of the perpendicular line to the inner angle bisector of $C$ in $\triangle ABC$ through $B$. Then $G,F$ and $E$ are colinear.

enter image description here

I don't need proof, just the name of this theorem please.

Best Answer

This configuration is known as the "Right Angles on Incircle Chord Lemma", also referred to by many as Iran Lemma. The problem (Iran TST 2009/9) which made it popular can be found in Jeffrey Kwan's document (Example $3.1$) along with its solution.

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