The name of an algebraic structure between semi-group and group


A group has an identity element and a an inverse element. A semi-group has neither. What is it called when a semi-group does have an identity element but no inversion?

The particular use-case is the "concatenation" operation on the set of all "strings" possible. Strings are a semi-group under concatenation:

  • Closure: concat(string1, string2) is always another string
  • Associativity: concat(string1, concat(string2, string3)) = concat(concat(string1, string2), string3)

And even though there is no inversion, there does exist an identity element: the empty string ("").

  • concat(string1, "") = concat("", string1) = string1

Best Answer

Not only monoid is the standard term, but there is a tag monoid on this site with 679 questions as of today.

The example you describe is the free monoid on a set $A$, usually denoted by $A^*$, a frequently used object in theoretical computer science.

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