The name for a magma which is neither a quasigroup nor a semigroup yet has both an identity and inverses


Is there a name which is more specific than `unital magma' for a magma whose only requirements are that it should have both an identity and (L/R symmetric) inverses for all elements?

The following Cayley Table is the simplest non-trivial object of the type I am interested in, though of course you could make much more complicated examples:

  | 0 1 2
0 | 0 1 2
1 | 1 0 1
2 | 2 1 0

This object it is not a quasigroup (or a loop) as the table is not a Latin Square.

This object is not a semigroup as it is not associative. For example: (1*1)*2 = 0*2 = 2 while 1*(1*2) = 1*1 = 0.

It does, however, have an identity, 0. Furthermore, every element has a unique inverse (which is itself).

For what it's worth the multiplication rule is a*b = |a-b| on the set {0,1,2}.

A part of an older question ( Magma with inverse and identity yet not a quasigroup ) could be interpreted as requesting an answer to the same question I am asking today. However, the one answer which that question received did not answer the bit which I would like to see answered. I have therefore judged that it's helpful to ask the missing part here more succinctly to maximise the chance that it gets an answer.

Best Answer

This paper, for example, uses the terms

  • inverse property magma
  • magma with inverses

for properties defined in two different ways. The second one means a magma where each element has a unique inverse element.

Also, beware because the finite groupoid as in the Cayley table in your question is definitey not cancellative: $$1*0=1*2=2*1=0*1,$$ but $2\ne 0$.

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