The motivation for Liu’s definition of an algebraic variety


I'm currently trying to understand the motivation for Liu's definition of an algebraic variety and in particular, how it arises from and generalises Milne's definition. The question is actually motivated by the accepted answer of What is an algebraic variety? where the two definitions are stated as follows (I have included the classical definition for the purpose of readability):

"Classical" definition (affine case): A $k$-variety is an irreducible Zariski-closed subset of $k^n$ for an algebraically closed field $k$ and some integer $n$.

Milne's definition (affine $k$-variety): An affine $k$-variety is a locally ringed space isomorphic to $(V,\mathcal{O}_V)$ where $V\subset k^n$ is a "classical" $k$-variety and $\mathcal{O}_V$ is the sheaf of regular functions on $V$.

Liu's definition: An affine $k$-variety is the affine scheme $\operatorname{Spec} A$ associated to a finitely generated reduced $k$-algebra $A$.

I would guess that the requirement of $A$ being finitely generated is supposed to generalise $k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ and quotients thereof but I'm not sure. Moreover, why does $A$ have to be reduced? I really don't understand that requirement.$^1$

Question: How does Liu's definition arise from the one given by Milne?

$^1$Liu also seems to drop the requirement of $k$ being algebraically closed but as far as I know, this is in order to be closer to number theory.

Best Answer

Milne is the same as Liu+irreducible+algebraically closed. Finitely generated as an algebra exactly means “quotient of $k[x_1,...,x_n]$ for some n”. Reduced means no nilpotents, which one might want because a regular function has codomain a field and so it can’t be nilpotent.

So Liu allows for possibly non algebraically closed fields - as you say, these tend to pop up in number theory. Additionally, Liu allows reducible schemes, so it might have multiple components. The last isn’t a huge generalization since each irreducible component be treated separately (under most circumstances).

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