The mistake in the following proof


I want to prove antipodal map $a:\mathbb{S}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{S}^n$ is orientation-preserving if and only if $n$ is odd. I have a idea to prove this as follows:

Since $a$ is a diffeomorphism, it is sufficient to check matrix $a_*$ has positive determinant. I can use a chart for $\mathbb{S}^n$ such that $a_*$ has local representation $-1I_{n\times n}$ so det $a_* = (-1)^n$ and so this is wrong. What is my mistake?

Best Answer

Note that $a_*:T_pM\to T_{a(p)}M$ is a map between different tangent spaces. Without specifying charts, the statement that the local representative of $a_*$ at some point $p$ is $-I_{n}$ is vacuous: with suitable choices of local coordinates around $p$ and $a(p)$, you could make the local representative of $a_*$ whatever you wanted.

To make the orientation of local representatives meaningful, you would need to choose consistently oriented charts around $p$ and $a(p)$. If you do, you will find that the local representatives have appropriately signed determinant.

Alternately, a common approach for this problem is to work with the standard embedding $S^n\subset\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ since both the antipodal map $a$ and the standard orientation form on $S^n$ are easy to work with in this setting. Since $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ is covered by a single chart (which, of course, is consistently oriented with itself), we can work in coordinates and the determinant of local representatives of $a$ are meaningful. It will take a bit more work to restrict the results to $S^n$, of course.