The measure of the $\angle AHC$ in the figure below


For reference: The circumference ex-inscribed in a $\triangle ABC$ determines the tangency points F and G in BC and the prolongation of AB, respectively, the prolongation of GF crosses AO at point H, where O is the center of the ex-inscribed circle. Calculate $\angle AHC$

My progress…I managed to draw

enter image description here

relationships I found:

$\measuredangle MAO = \measuredangle OAG\\
\measuredangle GOB=\measuredangle BOA\\
\measuredangle CBO = \measuredangle OBG\\
BG=BF, AG = AM $

Best Answer

If you call $\angle ACB = 2\gamma$ then because $CO$ is the exterior angle bisector, since $O$ is the excentre, we have $\angle OCM = 90 - \gamma$. Hence $\angle COM = \gamma$.

This means that $\angle AOC = \angle AOM - \gamma = 90 - \alpha - \gamma = 90 - \beta$ (because $90 - \alpha - \gamma$ is the measure of half the interior angle at $B$ which is $90 - \beta$).

On the other hand $\angle HFC = 90 + \angle GFO = 90 + \beta$, since $F$ is the point of tangency, and $GBFO$ is cyclical. We conclude $\angle CFH + \angle COH = 90 + \beta + 90 - \beta = 180$. Thus $CFHO$ is cyclical.

From this $\angle CHO = 90$ (and hence also $AHC$) since its opposite to the straight angle at $M$ in this cyclic quadrilateral.