The measure of $\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{AB}$ in the figure below


For reference:
In the figure calculate $\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{AB}$ if $ \overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{BC} = 90^o$

enter image description here

My progress:

enter image description here

Relationships I found:

$FO$ is angle bissector
$\triangle OBC(isosceles):\measuredangle OCJ=\measuredangle OBJ=45^o\\
\measuredangle ADE = 90^o\\
\triangle DAJ(isosceles):\measuredangle DAJ = \measuredangle DJA\\
\measuredangle JAB = \measuredangle JCB = \frac{\measuredangle{JOB}}{2}$

Best Answer

As it has been pointed out in comments, the information provided is not enough. Though according to your diagram, I assume $\small{ AD \perp DF}$ (according to the letters in my drawing)

Let $\small{\angle FOB=2x}$ so $\small{\angle FOE=x}$. And $\small{\angle BCF=x}$

You can clearly see $\small{OADF}$ is a square. Also $\small{\triangle OEF}$ and $\small{\triangle DFG}$ are equivalent. Therefore $\small{\angle FDG=\angle EOF=x}$.

Since $\small{\angle FCD=\angle FDG}$, $\small{\triangle CFD}$ is isosceles.$\small{\implies CF=DF}$

As $\small{OF=DF}$ (sides of the square) $\small{\triangle OCF}$ is equilateral ($\small{\because OF=OC=CF}$, first two as radii of the circle). Immediately you can prove $\small{\triangle OAB}$ is equilateral as well.

$$\implies \angle AOB=60^\circ$$