The measure $\angle C$ from this following triangle problem


For reference: In a triangle ABC a $m \measuredangle A = 2m \measuredangle C$.
Plot the median BM such that $\measuredangle AMB=45º$. Calculate the $m \measuredangle C$.

My progress:
$Trace DM \perp AC\\
EXtend~AB~ to~D\\
\text{mark point E (circuncentro) on the straight DM in the } \triangle ADC\\\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{CD}=2x \therefore \measuredangle AEC = 4x $

enter image description here

it remains to demonstrate that EAM =2x???

Best Answer

Another way.

Let $G$ be a mid-point of $AB$ and $BE$ be an altitude of $\Delta ABC$.

Thus, since $AG=GE=GB,$ $BE=EM$ and

$GE=EM$ (because $GM||BC$, $\measuredangle GMA=\measuredangle C$ and $\measuredangle GEA=\measuredangle A=2\measuredangle C$ ), we obtain: $$EB=EM=EG=\frac{1}{2}AB,$$ which gives $$\measuredangle BAC=30^{\circ}$$ and $$\measuredangle C=15^{\circ}.$$