The meaning of this symbol $\otimes$, in particular for quaternions


What is the meaning of this symbol $\otimes$, in particular for quaternions ?

In other context it is

$\otimes$ sometimes refers specifically to the Kronecker product. In particular, we have
I_d \otimes B
= \overbrace{B \oplus B \oplus \dots \oplus B}^d
= \text{diag}(\overbrace{B,B, \dots, B}^d)\\
= \pmatrix{B\\&B\\&&\ddots\\&&&B}

Or it is some kind of Tensor product

Or a partition of a space or set.

But here, for quaternions, I am confused.


From the comments it seems it depends on the author and such.
An example (for quaternions) is this :

$$\frac{d x^2}{dx} = 1\otimes x + x \otimes 1$$

I do not understand it.

For instance it was used here :

Best Answer

$\newcommand\H{\mathbb{H}}$ Here's one possible way to interpret this equation, using directional derivatives: Let $\H$ denote the quaternions, and let $x, \dot{x} \in \H$. Then \begin{align*} \frac{dx^2}{dx}\dot{x} &= \left.\frac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0} (x+t\dot{x})(x+t\dot{x}) \\ &=\left.\frac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0} (x^2+t(x\dot{x}+\dot{x}x) + t^2\dot{x}^2)\\ &= \dot{x}x + x\dot{x}. \end{align*} Now let $I: H \rightarrow H$ be the identity map and define $$ I\otimes x: \H \rightarrow \H $$ by $$(I\otimes x)(y) = yx,$$ and $$ x\otimes I: \H \rightarrow \H $$ by $$(x\otimes I)(y) = xy.$$ Then we see that $$ \frac{dx^2}{dx} = I\otimes x + x \otimes I. $$