The maximal singular value of a block matrix.

block matriceslinear algebramatricessingular valuessvd

(1) About a week ago I have asked the question and got a beautiful explanation. After that I started to consider the relationship of the singular values of the big matrix $A$ and the small matrix $A_{k,\alpha}$. We will denote the maximal singular value of $A$ by $\sigma_{\max}(A)$.

Specifically, if I have a block matrix
\right)_{N\times N}.

Here, each $A_{k,\alpha},k=1,2,\cdots,s$ is a matrix of $N_k\times N_\alpha$ (Here $N_k$ and $N_\alpha$ could be infinity). Obviously $A_{\alpha,\alpha}$ is a square matrix of $N_{\alpha}\times N_{\alpha}$ and we assume that the diagonal line of $A_{\alpha,\alpha}$ is on the diagonal line of $A$. At first I still concerned the relationship of $\sigma_\max(A)$ and $\sigma_\max(A_{\alpha,\alpha})$ and made the similar guess. However, I have used software to find a counterexample where $$\sigma_{\max}(A)\not=\sigma_{\max}(A_{\alpha,\alpha}).$$ Now I conjectured that $$\sigma_\max(A)\le\sum_{k=1}^s\sigma_{\max}(A_{k,\alpha}).$$ I think it may hold in general but I haven't come up with a proof. I will highly appreciate if anyone could help me!

(2) Under a special assumption that $A$ is a block diagonal matrix
\right)_{N\times N},

I have the following arguments:
Am I right? Thanks anyway!

Best Answer

For 1, your conjecture is correct, at least as far as finite matrices are concerned. In fact, we have the slightly stronger statement $$ \sigma_{\max}(A)^2 \le \sum_{k=1}^s \sigma_{\max}(A_{k,\alpha})^2. $$ To see that this is the case, note that $\sigma_{\max}(A)^2$ is the maximal eigenvalue of $A^TA$, and that $A^TA$ is block-diagonal with a single non-zero block-entry given by $$ [A^TA]_{\alpha,\alpha} = \sum_{k=1}^s A_{k,\alpha}^TA_{k,\alpha}. $$ The fact that $\lambda_{\max}(\sum_{k}M_k) \leq \sum_k\lambda_{\max}(M_k)$ holds for symmetric matrices $M_1,\dots,M_s$ can be seen by considering the characterization $$ \lambda_{\max}(M) = \max_{\|x\| = 1}x^TMx. $$ Your argument for (2) is correct. In particular, it is indeed the case that $A^TA$ will be block diagonal with diagonal block-entries $$ [A^TA]_{k,k} = A_{N_k}^TA_{N_k}. $$

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