The line $DN$ bisects the line segment $AC$ if $AD=BC$.


Consider a circle with diameter $AB$. A point $D$ on the circle is chosen arbitrarily such that $D\ne A,B$. A point $C\in AB$ is also chosen arbitrarily such that $C\ne A,B$. Draw $CH$ perpendicular to $AD$ at $H$. The internal angular bisector of $\angle DAB$ intersects the circle at $E$, and intersects $CH$ at $F$. The line $DF$ intersects circle again at $N$.

Prove that the points $N$, $C$, and $E$ are collinear. If $AD=BC$, then prove that $DN$ intersects $AB$ at the midpoint $I$ of $AC$.

I proved $N,C,E$ are collinear by cyclic quadrilateral and two congruent triangles. But I have no idea for the second problem.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Reflect $A$ across $D$ to a new point $Q$. Then $\triangle QDE\cong \triangle ECB$ (sas).

Since $$\angle QEC = \angle DEB $$ we see that quadrilateral $ACEQ$ is cyclic, so $$\angle QCE =\angle QAE = \angle DAE = \angle DNE$$ so $QC||DN$. Now since $D$ halves $AQ$ the line $DI$ is a middle line for triangle $QAC$ and thus it halves $AC$.