The Intuition of the Construction of a Non-Measurable Set (Vitali Set) on the Real Line


I suppose the question could be stated another way: if you were asked to construct a non-measurable set the first time in the history, what would motivate the construction to a Vitali set? For a construction of the Vitali set, I followed the post posted here: The construction of a Vitali set.

Best Answer

I think the following is a pretty plausible "story."

We start with the notion of Lebesgue outer measure: we define the diameter of an open interval in the obvious way, and then set $\mu^*(A)$ to be the infimum over all covers $\mathcal{C}$ of $A$ by open intervals of $\sum_{I\in\mathcal{C}}diam(I)$. This is already a nontrivial notion, with $\mu^*(\mathbb{Q})=0$ in contrast to the situation with respect to Jordan measure and $\mu^*([0,1])$ requiring some effort, but this early work (in my opinion) strongly suggests that this is a natural notion to consider.

Now one of the earliest general results one proves about $\mu^*$ is its finite subadditivity: $\mu^*(A\sqcup B)\le \mu^*(A)+\mu^*(B)$. It's natural to ask whether we can prove equality in this case, given that the union in question is disjoint ("$\sqcup$" instead of "$\cup$"):

Suppose $A\cap B=\emptyset$. Must we have $\mu^*(A\sqcup B)=\mu^*(A)+\mu^*(B)$?

One's utter failure to find a proof that the answer is yes will quickly suggest that one should look for a counterexample; however, it's also pretty easy to come to the conclusion that any "reasonably natural" disjoint sets will satisfy the relevant equality. So to find a counterexample, we need to start thinking in terms of coarse properties which will ensure bad measure-combining behavior. This naturally suggests arithmetic with infinity (especially after one proves countable subadditivity of Lebesgue outer measure, and countable closure of the ideal of null sets).

Specifically, if we can partition $[0,1]$ into countably many pieces $A_i$ ($i\in\mathbb{N}$), which are each guaranteed to have the same outer measure $k$, then we'll know that finite additivity must fail:

  • We can't have $k=0$ because a quick argument shows that the union of countably many null sets is null.

  • But if $k>0$, then by the Archimedean principle there is some $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $nk>1$; consequently, we have $$\mu^*(A_1\sqcup...\sqcup A_n)\le \mu^*([0,1])=1<nk=\mu^*(A_1)+...+\mu^*(A_n),$$ which is a clear failure of finite additivity.

This seems like a great idea ... for about five seconds. The problem is the bolded clause a few sentences ago: partitioning $[0,1]$ into countably infinitely many pieces is easy, but why should we at the outset know that those pieces (which after all we want to be weird) will all look the same measure-wise?

Ultimately we're saved here by the realization that certain operations on sets preserve outer measure. In particular, for each $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$ and $X\subseteq[0,1)$ the "mod 1 sum" $$X\star \alpha:=\{x+\alpha: x\in X, x+\alpha< 1\}\sqcup\{x+\alpha-1: x\in X, x+\alpha\ge 1\}$$ has the same outer measure as $X$ itself. To get the countable union we desire, we pick some nicely messy countable set - like $\mathbb{Q}$ - and hope for a positive answer to the following:

Is there some $X\subseteq[0,1)$ such that $\{X\star q:q\in\mathbb{Q}\}$ partitions $[0,1)$?

At this point we're extremely close to the definition of the Vitali set, and the idea of passing to mod-$\mathbb{Q}$ equivalence classes is not too big a leap.