The interior of open set in a convex set is not empty



The upper half-space $H^n$ in $\Bbb R^n$ is the set of those $x\in\Bbb R^n$ such that $x_n\ge 0$.

So I ask if it is true that any not empty and open set $U$ in $H^n$ has interior (in $\Bbb R^n$) not empty. Probably this is a consequence that the interior of open set in a convex set is not empty? Is my this last statement true? So could someone help me, please?

Best Answer

$\newcommand{gae}[1]{\newcommand{#1}{\operatorname{#1}}}\gae{cl}\gae{int}$ The topological property you are looking for is that $H^n$ is contained in the closure of its interior. In fact, this property is necessary and sufficient for your condition to hold. Let $X$ be a topological space and $S\subseteq X$. If $\cl_X\int_X S\supseteq S$, then every open set $U$ such that $U\cap S\ne\emptyset$ satisfies $U\cap\int_X S\ne\emptyset$ as well. Since $U\cap \int_X S$ is open in $X$ and $U\cap \int_X S\subseteq U\cap S$, we have that $U\cap \int_X S\subseteq \int_X(U\cap S)$. Vice versa, suppose that $S\setminus \cl_X \int_X S\ne \emptyset$. Then, $S\setminus\cl_X\int_X S$ is a non-empty subset of $S$ which is open in $S$ and which cannot contain open subsets of $X$ (because $(S\setminus \cl_X\int_X S)\cap\int_X S=\emptyset$). Therefore $\int_X(S\setminus\cl_X\int_X S)=\emptyset$.