The integral of a Gaussian white noise


Let us define $w(t)$ be a Gaussian white noise process, in the sense that

  • $w(t) \sim N(0, 1)$ for all $t \in [0, \infty)$.
  • $w(t_1)$ and $w(t_2)$ are independent for every $t_1, t_2 \in [0, \infty)$.

So $w(t)$ is in some sense a finite-energy white noise process.

I would like to ask, can the integral

\int_0^T w(t) dt

be well-defined? Does $\lim_{|\Pi| \to 0} \sum_{i=1}w(t_i) (t_{i+1} – t_i)$ or $\lim_{|\Pi| \to 0} \sum_{i=1}w(t_{i+1}) (t_{i+1} – t_i)$ converge to something useful?

Best Answer

Not exactly what you are asking for but if you use the framework developed by Takeyuki Hida, then the White noise process $[0,\infty)\ni t\mapsto w(t)$ can be seen as a $(S)^*$-valued process (i.e. a Hida-distribution-valued family of "stochastic distributions" indexed by time).

In that case the integral $$\int_0^T w(t)dt$$ can be defined rigorously as a Pettis integral in $(S)^*$ and using the fact that formally $w(t)=\frac{d}{dt} B(t)$ where $B$ is a Brownian motion you have that $$\int_0^T w(t)dt=B(T).$$

You can find more discussions about White noise analysis in the following books 1, 2.

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