The general solution to the Euler/Cauchy Equation with Complex Numbers

cauchy-sequencescomplex numbersordinary differential equations

The given equation is
Finding the Aux. Equation :
$a=1, b=1, c=1 $
Knowing that this specific type of equation results in the $m$ values being $\pm i$.

Now using the formulas below we can substitute in
$$y=x^\alpha C_1\cos(\beta\ln(x))+C_2\sin(\beta\ln(x)) \space (Equ. 1)$$
$$m=\alpha+\beta i$$
$$\alpha=0 ,\space \beta=\pm 1$$
And my final answer is:
There are a few places in this problem I have questions about:

In Equ. 1 the $x^{\alpha}$ term, that exponent is not the same $a$ variable that comes form the Aux. Equ., correct?

Is my $\beta$ value $\pm 1$ or $\pm i$?

Also is my answer correct, meaning that my answer is the general solution to the given? If not, am I close to it or are there further calculations to be made?

Best Answer

In Equ. 1 the $x^α$ term, that exponent is not the same a variable that comes form the Aux. Equ., correct?

Well it's the same $\alpha=0$ since you have $m^2+1=0 \implies m=0\pm i$. so it's $x^{\alpha}=x^0=1$. For the coeffcient $\beta$ it's equal to $1$ and not $\pm i$. The solution to the homogeneous equation is:$y=c_1\cos (\ln x)+c_2\sin (\ln x)$

In fact you can write the solution as: $y=c_1x^{\alpha+i \beta}+c_2x^{\alpha-i \beta}$ where $m=\alpha \pm i \beta$ is the solution to the polynomial characteristic.Then apply Euler's formula $e^{ix}=\cos x +i \sin x$.

$$x^{\alpha+i \beta}=x^{\alpha }x^{i \beta}=x^{\alpha }(e^{i \beta \ln x})=x^{\alpha }(\cos (\beta \ln x)+i \sin (\beta \ln x) )$$