The fundamental group of a sphere with two points removed


I thought about the fundamental group of a sphere where we remove two arbirary poins. Then I thought thad geometrically one can mabye find a deformation retract to the torus and thus the fundamental group would be $\Bbb{Z} \times \Bbb{Z}$ but I‘m not sure uf this is true.

Could maybe someone help me?

Thanks a lot

Best Answer

A different way to see it is that if you take the standard sphere in $\mathbb R^3$ and remove the north and south pole, you can take a projection (that's also a homeomorphism) onto the cylinder $\{(x,y,z) : x^2+y^2=1, |z| \leq 1\}$.

a formula would be to literally send $$(x,y,z) \mapsto \left(\frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}},\frac{y}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}},z\right).$$

Note that on the North and South Pole, this formula is not well-defined! It's good that we removed it.

Geometrically this is kind of like "widening" a two holes in a sphere until you get to the cylinder.

This is actually a pretty common homeomorphism!

Once you have a cylinder, the circle $S^1$ is a deformation retract of your space.