The functional equation $ f ^ 4 \left( x f ( x ) ^ 2 + y f ( x ) – x \right) = x ^ 3 + x f ^ 2 ( y ) – x $


For any $ f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R $ and any nonnegative integer $ n $, let $ f ^ n $ denote the $ n $-th iteration of $ f $; i.e. $ f ^ 0 ( x ) = x $ and $ f ^ { n + 1 } ( x ) = f \big( f ^ n ( x ) \big) $ for all $ x \in \mathbb R $.

Find all functions $ f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R $ satisfying
$$ f ^ 4 \left( x f ( x ) ^ 2 + y f ( x ) – x \right) = x ^ 3 + x f ^ 2 ( y ) – x \tag 0 \label 0 $$
for all $ x , y \in \mathbb R $.

It's straightforward to check that the identity function is a solution. I suspect that it's the only solution. One witness to this is that assuming $ f $ is real analytic, some messy calculations show that identity is the only candidate. I don't know whether there are non-analytic solutions or not. I just have the following observations.

Plugging $ x = y = 0 $ in \eqref{0} we get $ f ^ 4 ( 0 ) = 0 $. Then, putting $ x = 0 $ and $ y = 1 $ in \eqref{0} we get $ f ^ 5 ( 0 ) = 0 $, and since $ f ^ 5 ( 0 ) = f \left( f ^ 4 ( 0 ) \right) $, we have $ f ( 0 ) = 0 $. Hence, setting $ y = 0 $ in \eqref{0} we get
$$ f ^ 4 \left( x f ( x ) ^ 2 – x \right) = x ^ 3 – x \tag 1 \label 1 $$
for all $ x \in \mathbb R $. In particular, \eqref{1} shows that $ f $ is surjective, since $ x ^ 3 – x $ takes every real number as value. As a special case, we must have $ f ( x _ \pm ) = \pm 1 $ for some $ x _ \pm $, and letting $ x = x _ \pm $ in \eqref{1} we get $ x _ \pm \in \{ – 1 , 0 , 1 \} $. As we know that $ f ( 0 ) = 0 \ne \pm 1 $, $ 0 $ is excluded, and because both $ – 1 $ and $ 1 $ must be covered, we get $ f ( – 1 ) = – f ( 1 ) \in \{ – 1 , 1 \} $.


Number four on the list at the end of this page.

Best Answer

You've got everything you need to finish. Here's some hidden hints, as to not spoil the solution.

We know that $f(1)\in \{-1,1\}$. First investigate what happens if $f(1)=1$.

In this case, try to prove that $f(f(x))=x$ for all real $x$. If we get something like $f^4(y)=f^2(y)$, this follows by surjectivity (why?). Then...?

From the above, see if you can deduce what $f$ must be. So all that's left...

We're left with the case where $f(1)=-1$. What happens if you do the same thing as in the $f(1)=1$ case? Do we find another solution, or can we derive a contradiction?

For completeness, I'll put a full solution below (continued from your progress).

Suppose that $f(1)=-1$. Then if we take $x=1$, we obtain $f^4(-y) = f^2(y)$. Then taking $y \to -y$, we obtain $f^4(y)=f^2(-y)$, whereupon iterating $f$ twice on both sides gives $$f^6(y) = f^4(-y)=f^2(y).$$ By surjectivity, $f(f(y))$ can assume any real value, and hence $f^4(y)=y$. Thus $f(f(-y))=y$, or $f(f(y))=-y$ for all real $y$. The original equation then becomes $$xf(x)^2+yf(x)-x = x^3-xy-x,$$ from which it's easy to see that $f(x)=-x$ for all real $x$. But this contradicts $f(f(y))=-y$, so $f(1)$ cannot be $-1$.

So instead assume that $f(1)=1$. Taking $x=1$ in the equation, we immediately obtain $f^4(y)=f^2(y)$, implying that $f(f(x))=x$ for all real $x$ by surjectivity. It's straightforward to deduce from the original equation that this leads to $f(x)=x$, which is indeed a solution.

Hence the identity function is the only satisfying one.