The Frattini subuniverse is the intersections of all proper maximal subuniverses


From "Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics" of Clifford Bergman.

An element $a$ of an algebra $A$ is called a non-generator of $A$ if
for every $X \subseteq A$, $A = Sg(X \cup \{a\})$ implies $A = Sg(X)$.

(a) Prove that the set of nongenerators of $A$ forms a subuniverse,
$Frat(A)$ (called the Frattini subuniverse of $A$).

(b) Prove that $Frat(A)$ is the intersection of all maximal proper
subuniverses of $A$. (If you wish, you can assume that $A$ is
finite. To do the infinite case, you will need Zorn’s lemma.)

My solution for (a)

Suppose $a_1, …, a_n$ to be non-gerators of $A$ and $f$ a fundamental operation of A then:

$X \cup \{f(a_1,…, a_n)\} \subseteq X \cup \{a_1, …, a_n \} \cup \{f(a_1,…, a_n)\}$

It's easy to see that:

$Sg(X \cup \{a_1, …, a_n \} \cup \{f(a_1,…, a_n)\})=Sg(X \cup \{a_1, …, a_n \})=Sg(X)$

Hence $Sg(X \cup \{f(a_1,…, a_n)\}) \subseteq Sg(X)$ and the other verse of inclusion is trivial.

My question

I'm looking for a proof of (b).

Best Answer

Let π“œ = {Mα΅’ : i ∈ I} be the collection of all maximal proper subuniverses of A.

Let Frat(A) be the collection of non-generators of A.

To show: β‹‚ π“œ = Frat(A)

  1. Frat(A) βŠ† β‹‚ π“œ. Let u be a non-generator of A and show that βˆ€i ∈ I, u ∈ Mα΅’ as follows: Fix i. If u does not belong to Mα΅’, then Sg(Mα΅’,u) = A. But then Mα΅’ = Sg(Mα΅’) = A, since u is a non-generator. On the other hand, Mα΅’ is proper. This contradiction proves that u belongs to Mα΅’, and i was arbitrary.

  2. β‹‚ π“œ βŠ† Frat(A). Let u ∈ β‹‚ π“œ. We prove u is a non-generator. Suppose A = Sg (X βˆͺ {u}) for some X βŠ† A. To see that Sg(X) = A, suppose the contrary; i.e., Sg(X) β‰  A. Then (by Zorn's Lemma) there exists a maximal proper subuniverse M ≀ A containing Sg(X). But then u ∈ β‹‚ π“œ βŠ† M implies that M contains both X and u and thus M contains A = Sg (X βˆͺ {u}), contradicting the fact that M is proper. ∎