The flow of Killing vector field is an isometry-proof verification


I am trying to show if given a flow $\Phi$ of a Killing vector field $X$, then $\Phi_{s}$ is an isometry for all $s$ belongs to real number. The definition of Killing vector field is $X$ is Killing vector field if its's Lie derivative to metric tensor is zero. Then I have come up an argument:

Since $X$ is a Killing vector field, it's Lie derivative to metric $g$ is zero. That is, $\Phi^{*}_{s}g=g$ for all $s$ by definition of Lie derivative. Then $\Phi_{s}$ is isometry. Q.E.D.

Is the above argument works, if not, what is the problem?

Best Answer

I think that the main point of the proof i.e. the reason that $\Phi_s^* g = g$ is missing in your proof. We can fill that gap by observing that it follows from the uniqueness of solutions of the equation:

$\left.\frac{d}{ds}\right|_{s = 0} \Phi_s^* g = 0 $

with initial condition $\Phi_0^* g = g$.

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