The flaw in the logic for this question


Q. Find the number of different committees of $5$ that can be chosen from $7$ boys and $5$ girls, if they include at least one of each sex.

My logic was $(7C1)$ [choose at least 1 boy] times
$(5C1)$ [choose at least one girl] times $(10C3)$ [the rest]/

I know the correct was could be $(7C4)(5C1) + (7C3)(5C2) + \ldots +(7C1)(5C4)$. However, I can't see the flaw in my logic. This is probably because I don't have a strong understanding of combinatorial thinking yet.

Best Answer

Imagine John being part of the committee. You might have selected him out of the seven men at first, and then have put three other people with him afterward (let's call them Adam, Mark and Sarah). Alternatively, it is possible that you selected Adam first, but put John in as part of your second selection process (which also included Mark and Sarah). Because both committees are the same, you have indeed overcounted. Note that you are not overcounting in the alternative approach, because each person is selected (or not) in one single step.