The finite subgroups of the multiplicative group of some division ring act semiregulary one some finite ablian group


In these lecture notes about classical groups, on page 4, 2nd paragraph, the finite subgroups of the multiplicative group of some division ring/skew field are considered:

Let $G$ be a finite subgroup the multiplicative group of the division ring $F$. We claim that there is an abelian [finite] group $A$ such that $G$ is a group of automorphisms of $A$ acting semiregularly on the non-zero elements. Let $B$ be the subgroup of $(F,+)$ generated by $G$. Then $B$ is a finitely generated abelian group admitting $G$ acting semiregularly. If $F$ has non-zero characteristic, then $B$ is elementary abelian; take $A = B$. Otherwise, choose a prime $p$ such that, for all $x,g \in G$, the element $(xg – x)p^{-1}$ is not in $B$, and set $A = B / pB$.

The prime is choosen such that $G$ acts semiregularly on the elements $x + pB$ with $x \in G$ [by the way, $g \ne 1$ should be written in the last sentence after "for all $x,g\in G$"]. But I do not see that this implies that $G$ acts semiregulary on the entire group $B / pB$. The elements of $B$ are sums of elements from $G$ and their additive inverses, and the claim is that for any non-identity element $g \in G$, the difference of the image of such an element under $g$ and the sum of these elements is not in $pB$, i.e., $G \setminus \{1\}$ has no fixed points modulo $p$.

I do not see that this is the case, that $G$ acts semiregularly on $A$? What am I missing, why is this the case?

Best Answer

If $B \cong {\mathbb Z}^n$, then the action of $g-1$ on $B$ for $g \in G \setminus \{1\}$ defines an $n \times n$ matrix $A_g$ with entries in ${\mathbb Z}$ and, since $g$ acts semiregularly on $B \setminus \{0\}$, $A_g$ has nonzero determinant.

If you choose your prime $p$ such that it does not divide $\det(A_g)$ for any $g \in G \setminus \{1\}$, then the reduction of $A_g$ mod $p$ will be invertible and so will have zero nullspace. So each $g \in G \setminus \{1\}$ acts semiregularly on the nonzero elements of $B/pB$.

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