The essence of the Addition operator within arithmetic


How do I characterize the addition operator, without defining its properties using set theory or the peano axioms, so that someone with special needs could understand and apply it in the context of arithmetic and at most algebra? What is the definition of the addition operator in the simple context of algebra and arithmetic, and how is it understood?

Best Answer

I will try to write what I understood from Prof. Herbert Gross's teachings and innovation.

The addition operator operates on numbers, so a good knowledge of numbers can give us some insights. If we follow this PowerPoint by Prof. Gross, we have something very interesting to look at

In a similar way, $3$ inches is a $\color{grey}{quantity}$ in which the $\color{red}{adjective}$ is $\color{red}{3}$ and the $\color{blue}{noun}$ (unit) is $\color{blue}{inches}$ As quantities, $2$ fingers is not the same as $3$ inches. However, as $\color{red}{adjectives}$, the "$\color{red}{3}$" in "$3$ fingers" means the same thing as the $\color{red}{3}$ in "$3$ inches".

And from this presentation we have

enter image description here

If the students are asked to put two tiles, they will probably do this enter image description here enter image description here And if they are asked to put those two tiles along with three more tiles, they will probably do this

$$ {\Huge \color{blue}{\blacksquare\blacksquare \qquad \blacksquare \blacksquare \blacksquare}} $$

And they will count those tiles as "one, two, three, four ,five", and thus know that there are five $\color{blue}{tiles}$.

enter image description here

enter image description here

$$ \begin{aligned} {\Large \mathbf{\text{How to apply it in Algebra}}} \end{aligned} $$

Let's say we have $3~\color{red}{apples}$ and $2~\color{blue}{oranges}$ and if I ask you how many fruits do I have, you will answer $5$. So, what you have basically done is that you did the following translation $$ 3~\color{red}{apples} \rightarrow 3 ~\mathbf{fruits} \\ 2 ~\color{blue}{oranges} \rightarrow 2~\mathbf{fruits} $$ And then you added "3 fruits" and "2 fruits" in the same way as we added the tiles above.

Now, let's say we have any noun $x$, such that $3x$ means we have $3$ of those $x$(in the same way as $3$ fingers, or $3$ inches) and $2x$ means we have $2$ of those. If we say that we are given $3x$ and $2x$ then how many $x$ do I have in total? We can surely apply that tiles example once again to see things clearly, because it is stated that $x$ is any noun. Let's visualize $x$ by some strange looking figure and draw $3$ and $2$ of them

enter image description here We again find, by counting, that we $5$ of $x$'s or $5x$.

As the question strictly doesn't allow Set Theory's or Peano's Axiom (works of Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell) definition of addition so I wouldn't touch on that and end my answer here.

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