The equation of pair of lines

conic sectionsgeometrylinear algebra

We know that when two lines are given, and we multiply them then we get the equation of pair of lines. My question is what is that new curve, does it have some geometrical significance?
For eg. $xy=0$ represents the coordinate axis, but what does $xy=3$ represents or other such pair of lines?

Actually I was solving a question of straight line when I came across this question, the question said, "Consider a parallelogram whose sides are represented by the lines $2x + 3y = 0$; $2x + 3y – 5 = 0$; $3x – 4y = 0$ and $3x – 4y = 3$. The equation of the diagonal not passing through the origin, is", and the solution was,

$(2x + 3y)(3x – 4y) = (3x – 4y – 3)(2x + 3y – 5)$ "Diagonal 1"
$(2x + 3y)(3x – 4y – 3) = (3x – 4y)(2x + 3y – 5)$ "Diagonal 2"

And so I was confused here how come we multiply two lines and equate them to find a line? And so I thought that they might represent some curve.

Best Answer

I'm going to come at this problem in a different way—a graphical way, which might give you some intuition about why this happens.

Here is a three-dimensional space, where we'll plot some functions, with $x$-axis, $y$-axis, and $z$-axis in red, green, and blue, respectively. (All images from Geogebra.)

enter image description here

The first function we'll plot is $2x+3y$. It looks like this:

enter image description here

(Actually, I've scaled everything by a factor of $1/10$, so as to get everything to fit nicely, but that won't affect the following discussion.) Now one thing you might notice is that it intersects the $x$-$y$ plane in a line, which is of course the line $2x+3y = 0$, because the $x$-$y$ plane is exactly that set of points where $z = 0$. By way of comparison, here is the plot of the function $2x+3y-5$:

enter image description here

Notice that this line is parallel to the first line, because it is of course the equation of the line $2x+3y = 5$. Naturally, you'll want to see $3x-4y$:

enter image description here

And $3x-4y-3$:

enter image description here

And these are, you'll have realized by now, the four lines describing your parallelogram; each of them is the intersection of the $x$-$y$ plane with another plane—a polynomial in $x$ and $y$ of degree one.

Now, let's plot another function—the function $(2x+3y)(3x-4y)$:

enter image description here

It's a "saddle" function, a polynomial in $x$ and $y$ of degree two, but what I want to call attention to is its intersection with the $x$-$y$ plane, which is the pair of lines $2x+3y = 0$ and $3x-4y = 0$. This makes perfect sense, because our new function equals zero whenever either of its factors equals zero, and each of its factors corresponds to one of those lines.

You'll be unsurprised to hear that our next function is $(2x+3y-5)(3x-4y-3)$:

enter image description here

It looks exactly the same, except that it's been translated so that its vertex is at the point $(29/17, 9/17)$.

Here's what the two functions look like together:

enter image description here

You'll see that there's an arc where the two functions intersect. To see the significance of this, let's get a different perspective on this pair of functions, this time from directly overhead:

enter image description here

By golly, that arc from directly overhead looks exactly like one of the diagonals of the parallelogram! Can we figure out why that might be?

To approach that, let's impose some structure on the functions we're looking at. Let $P(x, y) = 2x+3y$ and $Q(x, y) = 3x-4y$, and then the other functions are $P(x, y)-5$ and $Q(x, y)-3$. Then our two saddle functions are $P(x, y)Q(x, y)$ and $[P(x, y)-5][Q(x, y)-3]$. (To simplify terminology, let's just write $P$ and $Q$ from now on, remembering that each is a function of $x$ and $y$.)

That arc where the two saddle functions intersect (strictly speaking, the projection of that arc down onto the $x$-$y$ plane) is then just the locus of points $(x, y)$ where

$$ PQ = (P-5)(Q-3) $$

Or, equivalently, it's where

$$ R(x, y) = PQ-(P-5)(Q-3) = 0 $$

Let's expand out $R$ to get

$$ R(x, y) = PQ-(PQ-5Q-3P+15) = -5Q-3P+15 $$

One thing to observe about this is that if $P$ and $Q$ are both first-degree polynomials in $x$ and $y$, then so is $R$, which means that it graphs as a plane as well. It must therefore intersect the $x$-$y$ plane in a straight line, just as $P$ and $Q$ do.

Now what is that line? Well, since the line is characterized by the equation

$$ PQ = (P-5)(Q-3) $$

one point is given by the intersection of $Q = 0$ and $P-5 = 0$ (which leads to both sides equal to zero), and a second point is given by the intersection of $P = 0$ and $Q-3 = 0$ (ditto). But those are just two opposite vertices of the parallelogram! Therefore $R = 0$ must describe a diagonal of the parallelogram that connects those two points. And similarly,

$$ S(x, y) = P(Q-3)-(P-5)Q $$

describes another plane, whose intersection with the $x$-$y$ plane gives the other diagonal.

Here's a plot of $R$:

enter image description here

and a plot of $S$:

enter image description here

As Paul Sinclair's answer points out, this works only in this particular case; it's connected to the fact that that the expression for $R$ (and for $S$) loses its second-degree term(s). Of course, there's nothing special about $3$ and $5$ here.

In the parlance of algebraic geometry, the set of polynomials that contain $P$ as a factor is an example of an ideal. So is the set of polynomials that contain $Q$ as a factor, or the set of polynomials that contain both $P$ and $Q$ as factors. Each of these corresponds to a set of points in the $x$-$y$ plane where those polynomials vanish (that is, are equal to zero), which are called algebraic sets (or sometimes algebraic varieties). Loosely speaking, if you multiply two ideals together, you union their corresponding algebraic sets. (I'm being a little sloppy there, but hopefully you get the idea.)

So to answer your original question, there is some significance of multiplying these functions, but only when you equate them to zero. That's why $xy = 3$ doesn't connect to either $x = 3$ or $y = 3$; the function that vanishes would be $xy-3$, but that function is irreducible; it doesn't factor into linear terms.