The eigenvectors of $A$ or column vectors of $X$ are linearly independent

diagonalizationlinear algebra

Let $X$ be the matrix whose columns are eigenvectors of the matrix $A$. If the eigenvectors of $A$ or column vectors of $X$ are linearly independent, then

$(i)$ $A$ is invertible

$(ii)$ $A$ is diagonalisable

$(iii)$ $X$ is invertible

$(iv)$ $X$ is diagonalisable.


Since the eigenvectors of $A$ are linearly independent, $A$ is diagonalisable.

i.e., $A=XDX^{-1}$, where $D$ is the diagonal matrix of eigen values of $A$.

So $(ii)$ is true.

Also since the eigenvectors of $A$ are linearly independent , the matrix $A$ is invertible.

Hence $(i)$ is also true.

But how to decide about the option $(iii)$ and $(iv)$?

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Note that for $(iii)$ $X$ is also full rank.

For $(iv)$ it seems we do not have sufficient information.