The dual vector space in quantum mechanics


I am a physicist in training, and was only taught about the dual vector space quite loosely within the context of quantum mechanics. I was told that the dual vector space to some ket space in which the kets are column vectors, consists of row vectors with elements from the same field.

Now I am reading the formal definition for a dual space as a "space of all
linear functionals $f:V\rightarrow \mathbb{F}$".

Now I am happy with the idea that this itself forms a linear vector space. However I have not been able to convince myself- conceptually nor with a formal proof- that the dual space to a linear vector space consisting of some n dimensional column vectors is necessarily isomorphic to a linear vector space of row vectors.

If my understanding is correct, the loose notion of a dual space I was introduced to via QM is actually saying that "a linear functional $f:V\rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ acting on a linear vector space $V$ in which the elements are some n component column vectors with entries from a field $\mathbb{F}$, say {$v_i$} as the components of a vector, necessarily takes the form $\Sigma a_i v_i$ for any constants $a_i \in \mathbb{F}$. In this case there is clearly an isomorphism between the space of row vectors plus standard inner product (acting on the elemtns of the row vector space $V$) and the space of functionals on V.

However it is not clear to me that all linear functionals on the row vector space $V$ can be written in this form, and therefore that this does constitute the dual space to V.

Best Answer

Given a (finite dimensional, although generalizable to infinite dimensions in nice enough settings like QM) vector space $V$ with basis $(v_1, v_2,\ldots,v_n)$, a linear functional $f:V\to\Bbb F$ is uniquely determined by how it acts on the basis vectors $v_i$. That's because any vector $v\in V$ may be written as a linear combination $v = a_1v_1+\cdots a_nv_n$ with $a_i\in \Bbb F$, and $f$ is linear, so $$ f(v) = f(a_1v_1+\cdots a_nv_n) = a_1f(v_1) + \cdots +a_nf(v_n) $$ so $f(v)$ is completely determined by the $f(v_i)$, for any vector $v$. Thus any $f$ can be represented by a tuple (list of numbers) $(f_1,\ldots,f_n)\in \Bbb F^n$ where $f_i = f(v_i)$. Clearly, if two functions are different, then their corresponding tuples are also different.

On the other hand, any such tuple $(g_1, \ldots,g_n)$ may be used to define a function $g:V\to \Bbb F$. What's more, any such $g$ is linear.

So now we have a correspondence between the set of linear functionals $V\to \Bbb F$ and tuples in $\Bbb F^n$. These tuples are what becomes row vectors in the case where $V$ is a vector space of column vectors.