The direct limit of $A_{f}$ for $f \notin P$ is $A_{P}$


Let $A$ be a commutative ring with identity, and $P$ a prime ideal of $A$. I want to show that $\lim_{f \notin P} A_{f} = A_{P}$. $A_f$ is the localization of $A$ at $\{1\} \cup \{f^{n}: n \in \mathbb N\}$, and $A_P$ is the localization of $A$ at $A \setminus P$. There is a natural map from $A_{f} \to A_P$ if $f$ is not in $P$, so by the universal property of the direct limit, we get a map from $\Phi : \lim_{f \notin P} A_{f} \to A_{p}$. Then it remains to show that this canonical map is an isomorphism. Surjectivity can be proven just using the universal property without knowing what $\Phi$ looks like. However I cannot prove the injectivity using the universal property. It seems that one has to use the explicit form of $\Phi$ in order to achieve that.

Best Answer

It seems to me you're assuming the direct limit exists, but justifying that requires some sort of explicit construction anyway, which you're trying to avoid.

I think what you really what you want to do is to show that $A_P$ (with the system of natural maps $\phi_f \colon A_f \to A_P$) satisfies the universal property in question, using only the universal property of localization.

For that, suppose we have $Y$ with natural maps $\psi_f \colon A_f \to Y$. We need a unique map $u \colon A_p \to Y$ where $\psi_f = u \circ \phi_f$. Fix $f \not\in P$. For all $g \not\in P$, the map $\psi_f \colon A_f \to Y$ factors through the map $A_f \to A_{fg}$, and $g$ is a unit in $A_{fg}$, so $\psi_f(g)$ is a unit in $Y$. Hence there exists a unique map $u_f \colon A_P \to Y$ such that $\psi_f = u_f \circ \phi_f$.

All that's left is to show $u_f$ is independent of $f$, which is essentially formal. Write $\alpha_{f,g} \colon A_f \to A_g$ (when this makes sense). For all $f, g \not\in P$, $$\psi_f = \psi_{fg} \circ \alpha_{f, fg} = u_{fg} \circ \phi_{fg} \circ \alpha_{f, fg} = u_{fg} \circ \phi_f.$$ By the uniqueness of $u_f$, we have $u_{fg} = u_f$. Hence $u_f = u_{fg} = u_{gf} = u_g$.