The difference between closed under intersections of finitely many subsets and closed under countable intersections

probabilityprobability theory

It is given in definition, that $\sigma$ algebra is a type of algebra of sets. So if algebra of sets is defined as being closed under intersections with finitely many subsets, does that mean that being closed under countable intersections implies being closed under intersections with finitely many subsets? Countable set is a set which is bijective to a subset of natural numbers? If so, does finitely many mean that you can also have a bijective function with natural number set? And then, why is that important in probability?

Best Answer

$$ \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty \left( \frac{-1} n , \frac 1 n \right) = \{0\}. $$ This is an intersection of countably many open sets, but it is not an intersection of finitely many open sets. An intersection of finitely many open sets would be open, but this set is not open. “Open” in this context would mean containing an open interval about each of its points.