The difference between “$=$” and “$\equiv$”


I was recently thinking about some of my past math classes, and depending on the context I recall my professors would sometimes use the "$\equiv$" symbol in places where I'd feel "$=$" to be more appropriate. For example, since this would often be the case in my classes on differential equations and Fourier series, we would have (for $n \in \Bbb N, k \in \Bbb Z$)

$$(-1)^{2n+1} \equiv -1$$
$$\sin(k\pi) \equiv 0$$

Is there a particular reason in this context why we would say "$\equiv$" instead of "$=$"? The latter feels more natural in this context, which makes me think that there's some reason my professors would use the former.

I'm familiar with the notion of the "$\equiv$" symbol in the context of, say, elementary number theory (specifically modular arithmetic) where we might say

$$10 \equiv 1 \pmod 3$$

which isn't saying "$10$ equals $1$", just that "$10$ is like $1$ in this context." But that doesn't seem to fit the case as with the first two statements – because I don't believe it is that $(-1)^{2n+1}$ is like $-1$, or that $\sin(k \pi)$ is like $0$, they are $-1$ and $0$ respectively.

Am I just mistaken on this latter fact? Is there something I'm missing? What, precisely, is the difference between the two notations?

Best Answer

I'll give an example of each.


This holds when $x=1$ only, and so the equality symbol is appropriate. In short, we use an $=$ when specific values solve the expression.

On the contrary, we have:

$$2x\equiv x +x$$ Whatever the value of $x$, this holds. This is an algebraically obvious one, but another might be $$\sin^2 x + \cos^2 x \equiv 1$$

The identity symbol $\equiv$ is used when an equality holds for all values in the domain specified (e.g. $\Bbb R$).

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