The degree of the following map


Let $a \notin S^1$, $f:S^1 \rightarrow S^1$, be given by $z \mapsto \frac{z-a}{|z-a|}$. What is the degree of $f$?

Where by degree we mean under the usual definition here
or general case here .

My current thoughts are usuing the definition that it is the value of the unique lift, when $f$ is idenitfied with $\hat{f}:I \rightarrow S^1$, $\hat{f}(1)=\deg f$. But this requires me to explicitly construct a lift of the map

$$ \hat{f}:I \rightarrow S^1, s \mapsto \frac{e^{2 \pi i s} – a }{ |e^{2 \pi i s} – a | }.$$
which seems plausible but messy. I would be interested for an elegant proof.

Best Answer

This is the answer proposed by Steve D.

By the homotopy axiom, the map $H(f):H_1(S^1) \rightarrow H_1(S^1)$ is the same for homotopic maps $g \simeq f$.

When $|a|<1$, we give the homotopy $$ H_t(z):= \frac{z-ta}{|z-ta|}.$$ So the degree of $f$ is equivalent to that of $g(z)=z$, which is $1$.

When $|a|>1$, we give the homotopy $$H_t(z):= \frac{tz-a}{|tz-a|}$$ so the degree of $f$ is equivalent to that of the constant map, which has degree $0$.

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