The degree of an irreducible representation of a finite solvable group


I know that the degree of an irreducible representation of a finite group $G$ over a field of characteristic $0$ divides the order of $G$. I also know that such a result is false when the characteristic $p$ of the field is positive (even if $p$ does not divide the order of $G$). However, such examples seem all to be non-solvable and actually searching online I've found clues of the fact that for a solvable group it is indeed possible that the degree of an irreducible representation (over a field of positive characteristic) divides the order of the group itself. Since I cannot find anything better than clues, I'm asking: is this true? Where is it possible to find a proof of this fact?

Best Answer

It is true (with the caveats given in the other answer): Let $G$ be a finite solvable group, and $p$ a prime dividing the order of $G$. Then the degree of every absolutely irreducible representation (that is, the field sufficiently large) of $G$ in characteristic $p$ divides the order of $G$.

The only proof for this that I am aware of, is a consequence of the Fong-Swan theorem, which states that for solvable groups actually the representation itself must come from reducing a representation in characteristic zero (and then using the result for characteristic zero). This theorem is (not the original reference, but probably the easiest accessible place) Theorem 38 on p. 135 of Serre, Linear Representations of Finite Groups.