The covering transformation is determined by its value at the base point


Consider the group of covering transformations of the (based) covering map $p:(E,e_0)\to (B,b_0)$. On p. 488 Munkres writes that a covering transformation $h$ is uniquely determined by its value at $e_0$, but I don't see any explanation of this. Why is this so?

Best Answer

It is not true for arbitrary covering maps (consider for example the projection $p : B \times F \to B$, where $F$ is discrete). However, if we assume that $E$ is path connected, then we can argue as follows:

In Lemma 54.1 Munkres establishes the unique path lifting property for covering maps. Here is a corollary:

Let $X$ be path connected and $f : X \to B$ be a map. If $\tilde{f}_0, \tilde{f}_1 : X \to E$ are lifts of $f$ such that $\tilde{f}_0(x) = \tilde{f}_1(x)$ for some $x \in X$, then $\tilde{f}_0 = \tilde{f}_1$.

Proof. Let $y \in X$ and $u : [0,1] \to X$ be a path from $x$ to $y$. Then $\tilde{f}_0u$ and $\tilde{f}_1u$ are lifts of the path $fu : [0,1] \to B$ which agree at $t = 0$. Hence they also agree at $t = 1$. This means $\tilde{f}_0(y) = (\tilde{f}_0u)(1) = (\tilde{f}_1u)(1) = \tilde{f}_1(y)$.

Now any covering transformation is a lift of $p : E \to B$. Hence if two covering transformations agree at $e_0$, then they are identical if $E$ is path connected.

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