The correct value of $\int_0^\infty dx\ J_0\left( 2 a \sinh\left( \frac{x}{2} \right) \right) \sin(b x)$


Integral (6.679.4) in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik claims that
\int_0^\infty dx\ J_0\left( 2 a \sinh\left( \frac{x}{2} \right) \right) \sin(b x) \ = \ \frac{2}{\pi} \sinh(\pi b) \left[ K_{ib}(a) \right]^2

I think that this is not correct. Here is a screenshot of some numerics in Mathematica:

enter image description here

For random values $a=2.34$ and $b=3$, it seems that the LHS of the above evaluates to $0.408$ while the RHS evaluates to $0.653$, and so they disagree.

I think there are three options:

1. I am making a mistake somehow in the above.

2. Mathematica is defining Bessel functions $J$ or $K$ differently than G&R, which I think is not likely.

2. This is an error in G&R.

In the last case, I have seen that Equation (58) on Page 115 of Erdelyi: Volume 1 Tables of Integral Transforms is the source for G&R (6.679.4). This integral simply stated there without a source, so I have no clue how this integral is derived.

What is $\int_0^\infty dx\ J_0\left( 2 a \sinh\left( \frac{x}{2} \right) \right) \sin(b x)$?

Best Answer

Maple agrees with G&R on the formula, however it has considerable difficulty with the numerical evaluation of the integral as this oscillates very rapidly. But the integral from $0$ to $20$ is given as $.6536634068$, agreeing quite nicely with the theoretical result.

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