The connectedness of dual graph

graph theorygraph-connectivityplanar-graphs

Prove: if a planar graph $G$ is $k$-vertex-connected, then so do its dual $G^{\ast}$ for $k=2,3$. And find a counterexample for $k=4$.

I only have a vague idea for $k=2$: if $G$ has a cut vertex, then it will look like a claw. Once we remove the vertex of the outer face in $G^{\ast}$, it is impossible for two non-adjacent inner faces to be connected.

I doubt whether this could be called a rigorous proof, since it highly relies on geometrical intuition. And this method fails for $k=3$.

The example for $k=4$ is as follows: put a triangle $B_1B_2B_3$ inside another one $A_1A_2A_3$, and connect all edges $A_iB_j$ as long as $i\neq j$. The dual graph is 3-regular, which cannot be 4-connected.

Best Answer

As @Licheng noticed, we need to be clear on the requirements for the graph $G$. From the similar questions mentioned by @Licheng, $G$ is supposed to be simple.

The proof is not that hard, but there are a lot of details to make it rigorous.

We start with some results, stated without proof:

Theorem : The cycle space of a planar graph $G$ is the cut space of its dual $G^*$

Corollary 1: $G$ has a self loop $\iff$ $G^*$ has a $1$-edge cut (a bridge).

Corollary 2: $G$ has an edge of multiplicity $\geq 2$ $\iff$ $G^*$ has a $2$-edge cut.

Corollary 3: $G$ is simple $\iff$ $G^*$ is $3$-edge connected.

We can then show:

Theorem 1: If $G$ is simple and $2$-vertex connected, then it implies $G^*$ is $2$-vertex connected and has no loops.

proof: We show it by contraposition:

  • If $G^*$ has a loop, then $G = G^{**}$ has a $1$-edge cut, hence it has a $1$-vertex cut, so $G$ is not $2$-vertex connected.

  • If $G^*$ has a $1$-vertex cut (and no loop), let $u$ be the cut vertex, and let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be two disconnected subgraphs that appears after removing $u$.

    $u$ must be connected to at least one $G_1$ vertex, and one $G_2$ vertex. There is at least one face $f$ with the pattern $G_1-u-G_2$. If we follow the vertices of the face from $u$ in the $G_1$ direction, we can't go directly from a vertex of $G_1$ to a vertex of $G_2$, because these graphs are disconnected, so we will need to meet again $u$ before reaching $G_2$. So $f$ has the following pattern: $... G_2 - u - G_1 - ... - G_1 - u - ...$. We will denote $CG_1$ the connected component of $G_1$ containing the vertices of $G_1$ appearing in this pattern, and $CG_2$ the connected component of $G_2$ containing the vertex of $G_2$ appearing in this pattern.

    If the graph induced by the vertices of $CG_1$ and $u$ has no faces (besides $f$), then it must be a tree and it will have a bridge, so $G$ will have a loop. We apply the same line of reasoning to $CG_2$

    We can know assume the graph induced by the vertices of $CG_1$ and $u$ has at least a face, say $f_1$. We can also assume the graph induced by the vertices of $CG_2$ and $u$ has at least a face, say $f_2$. When deleting vertex $f$ in $G$ (faces are vertices in the dual), $f_1$ and $f_2$ will be disconnected, so $f$ is a cut-vertex of $G$, so $G$ is not $2$-connected.

Theorem 2: If $G$ is simple and $3$-vertex connected, then equivalently $G^*$ is simple and $3$-vertex connected

proof: We show it by contraposition:

  • If $G^*$ is not simple, then $G^*$ has a $1$ or $2$-edge cut, hence it has a $2$-vertex cut so $G$ is not $3$-vertex connected.

  • If $G^*$ has a $2$-vertex cut, let $u$, $v$ be these two cut vertices, and let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be two disconnected connected graph that appears after removing $u$ and $v$.

    In the first time, we will suppose that there is no edge between $u$ and $v$, so $u$ and $v$ have only neighbors in $G_1$ or $G_2$.

    If there is a face with a pattern like $...-G_1-u-G_2...-G_2-u-...$, we can apply the same reasoning than in theorem $1$ to prove that there is a one vertex cut, so we can now assume no such pattern exist.

    Both $u$ and $v$ needs to be connected to both $G_1$ and $G_2$. By turning clockwise on the neighbors, we will find both a vertex of $G_1$ followed by a vertex of $G_2$, defining a face $f_1$, and a vertex of $G_2$ followed by a vertex of $G_1$ defining a face $f_2$. For a face with the pattern $G_1-u-G_2$, by following the contour of the face, we get the pattern: $u-G_1-...-G_1-v-(...-v)^*-G_2-...-G_2-u$.

    By combining the patterns of $f_1$ and $f_2$, we then get the pattern: enter image description here

    We define $CG_1$ the graph induced by $u$, $v$ and the vertices of the connected component of $G_1$ containing the $G_1$'s vertices of $f_1$ and $CG_2$, and we define $CG_2$ similarly.

    If $CG_1$ contains no faces, then $u$ and $v$ must have only one neighbors in $CG_1$, and this defines a $2$-edge cut. Same applies for $CG_2$.

    If both $CG_1$ and $CG_2$ have a face, these faces are separated by $f_1$ and $f_2$, thus it defines a $2$-vertex cut in $G^*$, so a multi-edge in $G$

    Now if there is an edge between $u$ and $v$, we delete it, and applies the above reasoning. Adding it back does not discard the reasoning on pattern $...-G_1-u-G_2...-G_2-u-...$, nor when $CG_1$ or $CG_2$ has no faces. Otherwise, $u-v$ split may split $f_1$ or $f_2$ in two parts, but we can keep only one of these two parts, and it will still define a $2$-vertex cut.

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